Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Reject the Hate

The hate has always been there,
evil thoughts in the minds of those
who would do others harm.
Prejudice has been around forever,
and there are people who have to live in
fear every day.
Based upon their religion,
based upon their skin color,
based upon their sexual preferences.
Prejudice has been around forever.
America was built upon the backs of
but while we've moved forward in so
many ways,
the hate still lingers.
Muslims being harassed and called terrorists because of their beliefs or how they dress.
African-Americans being shot and murdered on the street, in their homes, during church.
Children being shot and murdered in a place that was supposed to be safe, their school.
Gay and transgender people being shot and murdered for not putting a blanket definition on what is love.
This evil and madness seems to creep up on us,
but in reality,
it's always been there.
Life is fleeting.
It's gotten to the point where you or someone you love can be killed
just for breathing.
We cannot turn our backs on this growing acceptance of hate.
Let's fight back with love
before it's too late.

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